Monday, July 15, 2013

Blog Tour: Seeds of Hate by Melissa Perea

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They said high school would be fun. 
They said we would make forever friends.
They said we would have the time of our lives.

They lied.


“He punished me daily Selah. Daily! He wouldn’t leave me alone. He kept making me pay. He wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t stop!” I yelled, hot spit flying out of my mouth into the cold.

“Javi, I can’t hold on. Please stop! Make it stop!” She cried.

“I couldn’t make it stop Selah. I tried ignoring him. I tried walking away. I tried everything!” My voice cut the air and if the sky could cry from pain it did.

“Stop it, Javi! Stop it!” She yelled once more.

I grabbed one bar with both hands and halted the merry-go-round. Selah’s body had moved to the outer edge from the force of the spin, her hands were bright red and slipped from the bars as she hung over the side. Her chest moved up and down rapidly and her hair ran wild around her eyes. 

We both held still. 

The park now abandoned in the setting sun was quiet except for the crows on the telephone wire. Their silhouette the only movement against the moon except for the silent breeze rustling the trees.

She sat up and held her head in her hands, “What did you do Javi?” She questioned me without wanting to know the answer. Looking up she caught my eye, “What did you do?”

I walked up to her, knelt in the sand at her knees and grabbed her hand. Raising it up in the air I dropped it back down. And then my head followed into her lap and my shoulders fell forward wrapping my arms around her warmth. 

“I let go.” I said. And as I held her, I let it all go again. Except this time, it was better.

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I get very cranky when I am tired. If getting fat wasn't a side effect, I would eat freshly baked cookies and milk every day for breakfast. Currently, I have one kid, one husband and one dog. I plan to add more to the kids and possibly the dogs, but definitely am keeping the husband to one. If for some random reason you stumbled upon my high school yearbook you would find a picture of me under "Class Clown". I have a college degree, but instead of earning dollar bills with my educated mind, I spend my days playing with my offspring. My life is super fun.

I write because I want so share my heart with you and make you think more about the world around you.
Melissa Peres was born and raised in Southern California.  She currently resides in San Diego with her husband and children.  Seeds of Hate is Melissa's first novel.

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